Download our free Discover Wholesome Baking eBook

Fill in your details to receive our “Discover Wholesome Baking with Carême” eBook.
If you are a food service professional or home cook and looking for new recipe ideas, this is the perfect recipe book for you! Inside you’ll find a selection of quick, easy and yummy spelt recipes that will leave your customers or family feeling good about achieving their healthy diet goals. Spelt is natural product bursting with health benefits. It delivers a light and flaky dough, infused with a delicate nutty flavour that’s celebrated throughout the sweet and savoury dishes in this eBook.

Happy baking!

We make our Adelaide Hills Porcini Mushroom Duxelle using a 5kg catering roll of Sour Cream Shortcrust Pastry. It's a total game changer when time is key - thank you, Carême Pastry! Emma Reeves Catering