Back to school lunch box ideas - Careme Pastry

Back to school lunch boxes…

The school term is underway and the lunch boxes have returned to the kitchen bench. When I ask my children (5 and 7) for lunch box suggestions I almost always receive a blank look or the obvious answer ‘cake’! They are however, quick to tell me if something was not right, too big, not enough, too salty, too runny etc… So like most other parents I am always on the lookout for something that is filling, healthy and satisfies our little darlings. In the craziness of the morning routine something that can be made ahead of time is a bonus. Sausage rolls I hear you say! Yes of course the good old sausage roll, make a big batch and freeze them. Having young children I make mini ones, which defrost in no time.

View our Chicken & Veggie Sausage Roll recipe

We did decide to make a sizable investment in lunch boxes this year, after much investigation and recommendation from a friend we purchased Planet Lunchboxes (as seen in the photo above). The conclusion they are worth it, I have done away with all those annoying little plastic containers. The Planet boxes are easy to wash and best of all, so far, the children are eating everything in their boxes, my theory is they can see everything and nothing gets missed. They come with replaceable magnets on the lid so as they grow and their tastes change you can cost effectively upgrade the décor, my plan is for these boxes to last the duration of primary school – a big ask maybe, but the quality of these boxes suggests they will go the distance.

We have other freezable ideas that work well for lunch boxes, try the Pizza Scrolls, play around with fillings and mix things up a bit, ham and cheese or even the ubiquitous Vegemite and cheese.

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